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Chuck Anderson of CQ Foods, Inc. shares useful insights at the seafood counter.
Chuck Anderson of CQ Foods, Inc. shares useful insights at the seafood counter about frozen seafood.
In this Episode 3 of At the Seafood Counter, Chuck Anderson (VP of Sales & Ops) gives some great advice on what to ask at the seafood counter. You will learn how to ask the right questions, such as how fresh the fish is or when it arrived.
Episode 1: Go behind the seafood counter with Chuck Anderson, VP of Sales and Operations for CQ Foods, Inc., as he provides helpful insights into the retail seafood markets and how the CQR helps improve overall production.
In this 2nd episode of Behind the Seafood Counter, Chuck Anderson (VP of Sales & Ops) gives a solid overview of using the CQR (Certified Quality Reader) at the store level.
In this first episode of "What's off the Truck with Chuck," we explore the hottest new trend in seafood processing and handling using the Certified Quality Reader at Bristol Bay, AK.
Certified Quality Foods
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